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Hummer takes a shower, fox urine

My garden is hating the dry weather but a R-T hummer loved the water out of 
the hose I was holding yesterday. After flying through the spray a few 
times, he landed on a bean plant and took a little shower.  I forgot the 
soap so he took off after a quick rinse.   SO COOL.

Has anyone had success with fox urine to repel squirrels from feeders?  I 
dribbled a little down each post and will be watching results carefully. 
Will the urine attract other foxes? I do have some in the area.



Brian T. Murphy   www.mindspring.com/~brmurphy
Science Dept.
Millbrook High School    http://mhs.wcpss.net
         AP Environmental Science   http://mhs.wcpss.net/Murphy/apes/
           Physical Science  http://mhs.wcpss.net/Murphy/PhysicalScience/
Raleigh, NC, USA