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warbler walk

THis evening I went out for a walk along Haw Ribver in Chatham County and
it seemed that every Warbler for miles around decided to put in an
appearance. It started out with stunning eye level views of a singing
Prothonotary; Parulas of course were singing everywhere but one actually
swooped down low over my head and foraged leisurely (yes, for once); and
then a Yellow Throated Warbler granted us close views as two female
Redstarts fussed nearby. I was actually able to pish out a Hooded Warbler
from out of its lair just as a Louisiana Waterthrush and Ovenbird struck
up somewhere far away, and just as I was marvelling at the kindness of the
Gods who should cap the evenign but a Kentucky Warbler. No, of course it
did not sully itself by granting me a glimpse, but it is not every day
that you get to walk by a gushing river, flush Great Blue Herons at
practically every step and are serenaded constantly by one warbler or

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
