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Ivory Billed query

Not related to NC birding, but something I've been curious 
about...Political problems aside, has there been any discussion in academic 
circles concerning the Ivory Bill population in Cuba? Does it still exist, 
and if so, has anyone pondered cultivating that flock and perhaps 
reintroducing it in the US? Seems as though I had read the Cuban population 
was extinct also, but I've also read reports/articles that seem to treat it 
as a species that is still present. With all of the false starts at 
normalizing relations with Cuba, and given the publicity in the general 
population (NPR, NY Times) about the attempts to find the woodpecker here, 
seems like a joint project for this hapless woodpecker could be the 21st 
century version of ping-pong diplomacy!

Russ Lay
Nags Head, NC