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Large Roost - Central South Carolina (fwd)

Hi Carolinabirders,

I'm forwarding a message from Noel Wamer, a birder from FL who noticed a
radar image of a MOUNSTROUS bird roost near Columbia SC! Amazing! Given
the location, my guess would be that this is the famed Purple Martin roost
from Lake Murray; anyone have any better ideas? Or better yet, been to
this location and seen the roost?

None of the humans spoke a word during the Durham Friends (Quaker) meeting
today, so instead all the speaking came from a House Wren and a Wood
Thrush. Then, while biking home up Campus Drive, flushed what I think was
an immature Red-shouldered Hawk from a roadside lawn in the woods.

Good birding,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2002 08:10:19 -0400
From: Noel Wamer <nwamer@attbi.com>
Subject: Large Roost - Central South Carolina


The images from the Charleston radar on the morning of 06/30/02 clearly
showed the departure pattern from large bird roost located northwest of
Columbia.  I have produced an animated image file showing this pattern.  It
can be viewed at:

Any on-ground observations of the size and species composition of this
roost will be appreciated.  There is a mail link on the web site.

Noel Wamer
Jacksonville, FL