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American Birds CBC issue

Dear carolinabirds:

I would like to second Harry LeGrand's well written comment on the recently
received American Birds CBC issue. I was underwhelmed.

In addition to the comments about fees and accessibility, with which I
agree, I must also note that I always enjoyed reading the CBC issue at
leisure, on the porch, with binoculars and a beverage handy. I find it
almost impossible to utilize a @#$%^&*&^%$# computer in this manner.

I must note one additional item about this issue that Harry did not comment
upon. Audubon, in its manic drive to save money on the CBC issue, apparently
did not bother to cross-check addresses. (I thought that sort of thing was
what COMPUTERS were for, folks!) Thus, by sending an issue to apparently
every participant in any CBC, my household received six (count 'em, 6!)
copies as both I and my elderly father who lives with me both worked three
CBCs last year (New River, Mount Jefferson, and Stone Mountain).

Thus last year, and every year since the late '60's, I received one large,
information-packed CBC issue, while in 2002 I receive 6 copies of a thin,
wimpy, and almost information-free volume. Progress, I suppose. How much
postage was wasted by Audubon on this multiple mailing, I wonder?

James Coman
still the Curmudgeon of Piney Creek, N.C.