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Am Woodcock and migrants

An amusing incident occured up here in Asheville the other day. On our front
lawn we are digging a large frog pond, which is currently nothing more than
a large hole surrounded by mounds of red earth, albeit that the pond is
shaped like the map of Africa! (But that's another story)
Anyway, after our hard work last Sunday, we were admiring our handiwork when
a large bird came in and landed by the pond. It was a beautiful American
Woodcock that sat there for a few minutes! Hopefully checking out the future
wetland being constructed on the lawn.
Also there are a few migrants starting to wander down to this elevation.
Monday 22 July saw Cerulean, Canada and Hooded Warblers (all immatures) in
the yard, plus a small gang of Scarlet Tanagers.
Here's to fall and cool temperatures.

PS: If there's anyone out there still interested in the CBC Costa Rica trip,
2 cancellations have opened up a couple of spots. Contact me for details.

Simon Thompson
Ventures Birding and Nature Tours
PO Box 1095
Skyland, NC 28776