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yikes! shrikes...

Hi y'all,

In the midst of my recently begun home-place hummer-revelry, a pair of
party-crashing Loggerhead shrikes show up in the backyard...gee whiz.

Other cool neighborhood birds this eve include a peewee, summer tanager and
a cpl of Gray catbirds. And the ethereal strains of that silken-voiced
songster the Wood Thrush closed out the daylight hours.

A pair of Gray treefrogs that have been living separate and apart behind
their own respective shutters all summer appear to be getting better
acquainted of late. I guess if you feel froggy, leap...they're a-singing
away about a foot from one another as I type this. Too cool...

Cheers y'all,


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
Sunset Zone 31
"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J. J. Audubon)