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Falls Lk.: Will Suitt

Will Cook's posting indicated that the CHBC group only made it to the south 
side of Falls Lake [north of Raleigh, NC] yesterday.  I checked out the north 
side, the Will Suitt Rd. access, yesterday with my two kids.  We cut over to 
the lake a little ways past the tressle bridge and I scanned the lake.  I saw 
the following:
Canada Goose--3 or 4 dozen
Lesser Yellowlegs--1
Least Sandpiper--1
Pectoral Sandpiper--1
Semipalmated Plover--2
Great Blue Heron--1
Great Egret--oodles
Cliff Swallow--a few dozen
Also various land birds, including 3 male Indigo Buntings, a decent look at a 
pewee, and a Red-eyed Vireo with a youngster.

Erik Thomas
Johnston Co., NC