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Critters in Warren County, NC

Folks:	I visited 3 sites recently acquired by the NC Wildlife Resources
Commission in s.e. Warren Co, NC (Shocco Creek Game Land). The uplands
are pretty much pine plantations, but the lowlands are beaver ponds and
so-so hardwoods.

Birds of interest: 
Yellow-throated Vireo  seems a tad early
White-eyed Vireo
Black-and-white Warbler (maybe nests there)
Ovenbird  several

Butterflies  (* new for Warren Co.)
E. Tiger Swallowtail  30
Black Swallowtail  1 male  *
Falcate Orangetip  5 females  *
Sleepy Orange  4
azure sp. 1
Eastern Pine Elfin  1  my first (and hopefully not my last) of the year
Juvenal's Duskywing  15  *   (no spring field work in Warren!)

COTTONMOUTH!! When I saw it curled up on the bank of Maple Branch, I
though that was what it was. But the lady who was sampling mussels in
the creek got out regardless. I decided based on the Piedmont locale it
was a Northern Water Snake. "There aren't moccasins in the Piedmont up
here", I said. After prodding the snake downstream so she could continue
her work, we went on our way. After checking references at home, lo and
behold -- a Cottonmouth it was (there are several records from Warren
County). Good thing we played it safe! But, she may think twice about
going into Warren County creeks!

Dwarf Wedgemussel  Fed. Endangered  quite a few

Thus, it was a very memorable day, even more so after checking reference
books at home. Can't be too careful with snakes in the water!

Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
DENR   Office of Conservation and Community Affairs
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8687 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net