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HBSP on 4-8

Hi Carolinabirders,
This morning from 7:40AM till 12:30PM Bob Maxwell and I birded at
Huntington Beach S.P., Murrells Inlet, Georgetown County, SC.  It was a
cold dreary and somewhat windy day, especially on the causeway.  We did
the great circle around Mullet Pond including the causeway (low
tide-rising) the beginning of the impassable Kerrigan Trail, carriage
path,  and the hollow. We didn't think we did as well but we had 51

Double-crested Cormorant-3
Great Blue Heron-3
Great Egret-12 including a flock of 8 heading south
Snowy Egret-4
Little Blue Heron-1 adult
Tricolored Heron-2
Am Kestrel-2 in the same tree
Clapper Rail-5 heard only
Sora-1 beautiful view from the carriage path as the bird foraged along
the edge of the freshwater marsh
Black-bellied Plover-5
Semipalmated Plover-8
Greater Yellowlegs-4
Ruddy Turnstone-1
Semipalmated Sandpiper-1
Western Sandpiper-2
Short-billed Dowitcher-18
Laughing Gull-10
Ring-billed Gull-6
Herring Gull-1 immature
Forster's Tern-1
Mourning Dove-4
Red-bellied Woodpecker-2
Tree Swallow-40
Barn Swallow-40
Blue Jay-5
Fish Crow-4
Tufted Titmouse-3
Carolina Wren-3
Marsh Wren-1 heard only
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-4
Gray Catbird-1
Brown Thrasher-1
White-eyed Vireo-4
Red-eyed Vireo-2
Yellow-rumped Warbler-6
Yellow-throated Warbler-3 heard only
Pine Warbler-2 heard only
Prairie Warbler-4
Common Yellowthroat-1
N. Cardinal-25
E. Towhee-2
White-throated Sparrow-3
Red-winged Blackbird-3
Boat-tailed Grackle-12

 Good birding and Good Company

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC