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Black-headed Gull at Cape Lookout, NC

A few of us went to Cape Lookout on Sunday, April 13th.

Our best bird was an immature Black-headed Gull in a tide pool at the
point.  We were able to walk right up to it.  Also at the point were 3
Lesser Black-backed Gulls--this species is fairly reliable at this
location, in contrast with the immediate  Morehead City-Beaufort area.
The tern flock included about 30 Least Terns and about 30 Common Terns.

Migrant and incoming landbirds included 2 Eastern Kingbirds, 8 Indigo
Buntings, 2 Prothonotary Warblers (which don't breed here), and 4
Orchard Orioles.  In the large pines near the ferry terminal was a large
young Great Horned Owl.

Regrettably, the mosquito population exploded on Sunday.  It will
probably be really bad until the weather's been dry for a while.

John Fussell
Morehead City, NC

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