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Meck. Cnty: Moore Property 4/21

My family and I birded the Moore Property on Camp Stewart Rd off Rocky River 
Ch. Rd in Charlotte this morning.. Birds were plentiful, here are the 

Chimney Swift
Barn Swallow
Blue-headed Vireo-1
Yellow-throated Vireo-1
Red-eyed Vireo-4
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-20
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-4
Wood Thrush-1
Scarlet Tanager-1
Black-and-White Warbler-1
Kentucky Warbler-2
Hooded Warbler-1
Pine Warbler-2
Palm Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler-50+
Louisiana Waterthrush-2
Common Yellowthroat-3
Prairie Warbler-2
Black-throated Green Warbler-1
Northern Parula-1
Tennessee Warbler-maybe-seen briefly 
Brown-headed Cowbird

At the Vernedale Ponds, Pied-billed Grebe, Red-winged Blackbird, Barn 

Alan Kneidel
Charlotte, NC

PS  I'm confused now, and am inclined to change the Yellow-throated warbler I 
posted a week or so ago from McAlpine to a Louisiana waterthrush.  I hope 
that makes some sense.  I've confused their call with Indigo buntings before 
too!  I've never seen one north of Landsford Canal, so I'm not all that 
familiar with their call.  I don't have a Mecklenburg Prothonotary either.  
What sightings of these birds have you had?  (I noted that Wayne posted a YTW 
from McAlpine a few weeks ago.)

If it's of interest, as long as I'm eating crow, I think the new 
Yellow-crowned night heron nest I posted last week was a false alarm.  Two 
birds were in a tree with what turns out to probably be a squirrel nest.  
There's been no sign of them in that tree since.

Ken K