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Art and I owe a big thank you to all who have contributed information to
guide us to just the right place to enjoy the RCW!  To make a LONG DAY
story short, (we totally enjoyed watching and "helping" Susan, Chris,
and Lisa at their bird banding station) we finally sat ourselves down on
the Pine Barrens Trail near the cluster there and WAITED!
Determined to have success this time we waited and waited.  Nothing -
all birds deserted our spot!!  We packed up, put the stuff in the car
and made a last minute (6:45 pm, just before closing) check on the
Bower's Bog Trail in front of the office and you guess it, there was a
pair there chattering and pecking away and we even were so fortunate to
see them making the effort to mate.  We were thrilled, of course.  Chris
Helms was most informative re these special pines and birds.  And to
guide us to other places to bird in the area.

Sunday AM headed to the "field trials" area according to Chris's
instructions and walked the fields hoping to see the Bachman's Sparrow.
We weren't so fortunate at this endeavor, but were rewarded with another
encounter with another pair of RCW.  What a wonderful surprise and to
see this pair unexpectedly was an additional bonus.

We enjoyed parking near Drowning Creek and seeing several migrant
warblers.  It is a beautiful spot and there were many of the usual
returnees.  We also saw a cottonmouth swim to shore and climb out.  We
came home very happy.  At home we were greeted by our first hummer.  A
good weekend, wouldn't you agree!!

Thanks to everyone,
Bev Hudson
Hendersonville, NC