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Riverbend Park Birds 4-21-03

I birded Riverbend Park (northern Catawba Co.)  this morning.  I was able to
locate the Broad-winged Hawk nest near the entrance to the park.  The were
lots of migrants/breeders around.  Here are the highlights:

Common Loon-- a flock of 7 flew over
Osprey-- 3
Wild Turkey-- A tom and hen
Spotted Sandpiper-- first of the season
Chimney Swift-- many
Great-crested Flycatcher-- first of the season
Cliff Swallow-- many
White-eyed Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo-- first of season
Northern Parula
Yellow-rumped Warbler-- EVERYWHERE!!!
Black-and-white Warbler
Ovenbird-- first of the season
Common Yellowthroat--several
PROTHONOTARY WARBLER-- 2 males- first for the park!  We are going to put up
some nest boxes

There are also many gulls still hanging around.  Mostly Ring-billed but also
a few Bonaparte's.

Dwayne Martin
Foothills Bird Club
Taylorsville, NC