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May I suggest...

Please share your experience (and joy/excitement) intelligibly. There are
newbies or others on the list who may not know what an "RCW" is.  If you're
going to use an abbreviation, please use the standard bird-banding Alpha
codes that can be found at http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/bbl/manual/bandsize.htm,
among other places. (A Red-cockaded Woodpecker can be found to be
abbreviated "RCWO.")

Even if you choose to use the abbreviations, or if you insist on using your
own abbreviation (e.g., I often use "wblr" for "warbler"), please spell out
the first use of the bird's name in your post so that others will have a
clue as to what a later reference may refer.

I will do my best to remember to do the same. 

Cheers! 7;^)
Tomm "baker-man" Lorenzin
Mooresville (Lake Norman), NC
ploughs through tough dough
Visit me at: http://www.1000plus.com/ 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu 
> [mailto:carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu] On Behalf Of Bev Hudson
> Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 12:24
> Subject: SUCCESS!!
> Friends,
> Art and I owe a big thank you to all who have contributed 
> information to guide us to just the right place to enjoy the 
> RCW!  To make a LONG DAY story short, (we totally enjoyed 
> watching and "helping" Susan, Chris, and Lisa at their bird 
> banding station) we finally sat ourselves down on the Pine 
> Barrens Trail near the cluster there and WAITED! Determined 
> to have success this time we waited and waited.  Nothing - 
> all birds deserted our spot!!  We packed up, put the stuff in 
> the car and made a last minute (6:45 pm, just before closing) 
> check on the Bower's Bog Trail in front of the office and you 
> guess it, there was a pair there chattering and pecking away 
> and we even were so fortunate to see them making the effort 
> to mate.  We were thrilled, of course.  Chris Helms was most 
> informative re these special pines and birds.  And to guide 
> us to other places to bird in the area.
> Sunday AM headed to the "field trials" area according to 
> Chris's instructions and walked the fields hoping to see the 
> Bachman's Sparrow. We weren't so fortunate at this endeavor, 
> but were rewarded with another encounter with another pair of 
> RCW.  What a wonderful surprise and to see this pair 
> unexpectedly was an additional bonus.
> We enjoyed parking near Drowning Creek and seeing several 
> migrant warblers.  It is a beautiful spot and there were many 
> of the usual returnees.  We also saw a cottonmouth swim to 
> shore and climb out.  We came home very happy.  At home we 
> were greeted by our first hummer.  A good weekend, wouldn't 
> you agree!!
> Thanks to everyone,
> Bev Hudson
> Hendersonville, NC