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Blue Grosbeaks, Orchard Orioles

I wnet out to Anilorac Farm again this morning and discovered that Blue
Grosbeaks are back and from the looks of it searchign about for a suitable
thicket to nest in.
As Shelly said in her email yesterday there was an Orchard Oriole singing
in the yard and from the Maples came the song of the Warbling Vireos
though they never once showed themselves. There was flock of about 20
Bobolinks sitting on the crown of the Pecan tree and singing for all they
were worth. Grasshopper sparrows were also present by the dozens but none
showed themsleves. Still no Dickcissel.

Shantanu Phukan

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
