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Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Wrens

     I just walked by the kitchen window and was surprised to see
2 adult male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks on the platform feeder
close to the window. One held its ground even when bullied by 
2 diff. Blue Jays and Red-bellied Woodpeckers that are regulars.

Checked my records for last spring, because I had R-br. Grosbeaks
for an unusually long period.  Had at least one to several daily from 
4-23-02  until  5-12-02!  They stayed just long enough to be counted
in the Chapel Hill spring count, and this year with the count's 
a week earlier.

Yesterday, just before dusk, heard cheeping, and looked out back
just in time to see Carolina Wrens that had just fledged being led 
into the woods.  The parents led them to a section of woods on the
opposite side of the house from where their nest was.  I'de say at 
least 150-200 feet away.  A king or rat snake had been hanging
around near the nest area when they were older and noisy, so 
maybe that was part of the reason.  I devised a baffle made of plastic
trash bags and duct tape for the post under the porch (the nest was 
directly above it).  It seems to have done the trick, worked last year too,
when I actually watched a rat snake climb up the post before the baffle
was up, but got him away before he reached the top.

Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC