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Duke Forest sightings Sunday

Hello Carolinabirders -

While participating in the Durham Spring Bird Count today in the beautiful sunshine and mild temperatures, Ryan Smith, George Barlow, Rob Sutter and I located 57 species of birds.  Mostly we listened, but we did get a few great looks at Ovenbird, Scarlet Tanager, and Blue-headed Vireo.   Highlights included large numbers of Red-eyed Vireos  (15), Blue-gray Gnatcatchers (21),  Ovenbirds (10)  and Hooded Warblers (12).  We tallied twelve species of Warblers.   Rumor has it that all the Hooded Warblers in Durham are in Duke Forest right now.

Other good birds seen (heard) included:
    Great Blue Heron
    Chimney Swift
    Ruby-throated Hummingbird
    Red-bellied, Downy, Hairy & Pileated Woodpeckers
    Acadian Flycatcher
    Great Crested Flycatcher
    White-breasted & Brown-headed Nuthatch
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet
    Wood Thrush
    Gray Catbird
    Brown Thrasher
    Cedar Waxwing
    Northern Parula
    Black-throated Blue Warbler
    Black-throated Green Warbler
    Yellow-rumped Warbler
    Black & White Warbler
    Pine Warbler
    Prairie Warbler
    Worm-eating Warbler
    Common Yellowthroat
    Yellow-breasted Chat
    Summer Tanager
    Scarlet Tanager
    White-throated & Chipping Sparrows
    Indigo Bunting
    Red-winged Blackbird
    American Goldfinch

There was a possible Blackburnian, but we never could get a positive ID on it even after considerable neck craning!   The majority of what we saw was in the early morning (before 10:00am) on the loop from Gate 10 off of Hwy 751, up the power line, and across the road to complete the loop.

Of course, we also had the usuals - B & T Vulture, Can.Goose, Red-shouldered Hawk, accipiter sp, Mo.Dove, Am.Crow, Blue Jay, Car.Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, Car. Wren, E. Bluebird, Am.Robin,  E.Towhee, N.Cardinal, House Finch, and Brown-headed Cowbirds (too many). 

All in all a great day.   It's definitely time to get out in the woods. Thanks to the guys for their help and expert ears!  :-)


Toni Rexrode
Durham, NC 