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Owl update/BHNuthatch

This morning found Mom campus Barred Owl out perched next to Dad about 60 yds. from nesthole for the first time since she went to nest in early March. Slight chance this could mean nestlings died and nesting is over, but from Ōsatisfied lookÕ on their faces I presume it means owlets are old enough now to be left unattended for extended periods and they are trying to coax them out into the real world.

Recently found a BH Nuthatch nesthole with babies 4 ft. off ground and very accessible on Booker Creek near BranchÕs Bookstore (Chapel Hill); chicks are too low in snag to be seen but loudly peeping, and watched parent taking food in and fecal sacs out. If this is of interest to any of you local photographers or videographers out there let me know and IÕll try sending along more explicit directions (be aware
parent bird is quick!!).

Lastly, didn't have time to stop, but drove over Stagecoach Rd. this am. and sounded very
birdy and worth a look -- it was flooded and inaccessible for awhile which is why I s'pose
folks haven't been posting much about this great spring spot, but open now.


**Rob Gluck....... Chapel Hill,NC....... thrush@hotmail.com

"And on the fifth day God created birds....(days 1-4 must've been a real drag)."

-- old Leica binocular ad

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