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Latta Park, Charlotte, 5-3-03

Latta Park, Dilworth area, Charlotte, May 3, 2003
Mecklenburg Audubon group of 35 birders spent 4+ hours Saturday morning and
found the following:

1	Bunting, Indigo
2	Cardinal
3	Catbird
4	Chickadee, Carolina
5	Cowbird, Brown-headed
6	Crow, American
7	Dove, Mourning
8	Finch, House
9	Flicker, Yellow-shafted
10	Flycatcher, Empid
11	Flycatcher, Great Crested
12	Gnatcatcher, Blue Gray
13	Goldfinch
14	Grackle, Common
15	Grosbeak, Blue
16	Grosbeak, Rose Breasted
17	Hawk, Coopers
18	Hummingbird, Ruby throat
19	Jay, Blue
20	Mallard
21	Martin, Purple
22	Mockingbird
23	Nuthatch, Brown headed
24	Nuthatch, White breasted
25	Oriole, Baltimore
26	Robin
27	Sparrow, Chipping
28	Sparrow, White-throated
29	Starling
30	Swift, Chimney
31	Tanager, Scarlet
32	Thrasher, Brown
33	Thrush, Swainsons
34	Titmouse, Tufted
35	Towhee, Rufous -sided
36	Vireo, Red-eyed
37	Vireo, White-eyed
38	Warbler, Bay-breasted
39	Warbler, Blackpoll
40	Warbler, Black and White
41	Warbler, Black-throated blue
42	Warbler, Black-throated green
43	Warbler, Chestnut-sided
44	Warbler, Common yellowthroat
45	Warbler, Magnolia
46	Warbler, Northern Parula
47	Warbler, Ovenbird
48	Warbler, Redstart
49	Warbler, Yellow-rumped
50	Waterthrush, Northern
51	Waxwing, Cedar
52	Woodpecker, Downy
53	Woodpecker, Red-bellied
54	Wood-pewee
55	Wren, Carolina
56	Wren, House

Larry Barden, 1501-G Lansdale Dr., Charlotte, NC, 28205, 704-535-6385,