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Hobcaw Barony birds, 05-03-03

hi y'all,

bird activity continues to increase in Georgetown Cty., SC. this moring's
trip in Hobcaw Barony yielded the following highlights:

ad. Bald Eagle and nestling (who's growing at an amazing rate,)
Red-shouldered Hawk, Wild turkeys displaying, Summer tanagers, Great
Crestyed flycatchers, a trio of Eastern kingbirds hanging out together, a
plethora of Indigo buntings engaged in territorial altercations, Blue
Grosbeak (m and fem,) an Eastern Towhee rousting a trio of B-h cowbirds (go
Mr. Towhee!) Eastern Wood-peewee, Brown-headed Nuthatch excavating a cavity
at nearly eye-level, Red-eyed and White-eyed vireos, N. Parula,
Yellow-throated, Pine, Prairie, Prothonotary (one informing us from dead
over head that the spot we were in was already taken, move along now)
Hooded, Common Yellowthroat and Yellow-breasted Chat warblers, and a most
co-operative Bachman's Sparrow who sang a bit, flew down to a low perch,
checked us out, then sang some more.

a good morning to be out birding.


gary phillips
conway, sc
sunset zone 31

"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J.J. Audubon)