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pond report

after a long absence from the pond, I made it back and was treated to many
thrilling sights.  One shallow creek that I must cross was the first spot;
I got to watch an Indigo Bunting bathe in the creek and a few moments later
I was treated to a male American Redstart.  What colors to start my day. 
The field contained the usual calling field sp., however my mockingbird
seems to have deserted the briar thicket.  When I got to the pond, it
seemed dead but after a short walk a prairie warbler was singing and
graciously allowed me a view. Soaring overhead was a red tailed hawk, I got
nice views of a common yellowthroat, purple martins were flying over the
pond which I believe is a new pond bird. Had N. rough winged swallows also.
A kingfisher that had a fish that seemed way too big flew by.  Also had
towhees calling.  regret to inform that there are 5 goslings between 2 sets
of parents , but I think the snapping turtle population will help in
controlling this as there are at least 10 nesting birds. I also had what I
am 90% sure was a lesser yellowlegs judging by bill length but without a
scope and on a horse all I can really say is that I has yellowlegs sp.
along with 5 peeps who will go unidentified, too small, too far, and I am
not good enough to tell the differences without help and a book. Had either
a phoebe or peewee on the wires.  Also had a blue grosbeak giving me his
chip and a good view. While returning from the pond I had both the Indigo
bunting and Blue grosbeak next to each other.  The vireo remains nameless
as it hid among the leaves and all I could hear was the song which seemed
faster that a red eye's.  The pond again had dead fish floating in it so I
think something must be wrong with the water which may account for my
dwindling winter species.  When getting my horse from the pasture I did see
a 4 foot black snake and I watched it for awhile, seemed to be tasting the
grasses among the dead leave.  It was pretty.  No woodpeckers despite all
the dead trees with holes in them. so all in all a good day.  pond is in NE
orange county and as I have posted before, off limits as I have asked the
owners if I could bring a group.  They seem to be content to let me ride, I
guess if a huge rock was blasted out of the pit and landed on me no one
could sue them.  On the home front, my catbird is back, I found what I
think is a cardinal nest as my neighbors and I were/are cleaning up from
the ice storm.  I feel that the following is not possible but will throw it
out there from comments, is it at all possible I had a blackburian warbler
in my yard in Hillsborough?  I only got a glimpse of it but it was a
different bird than y-r warblers and w-t sp.  barb brooks

--- Barbara Brooks
--- brooksba@mindspring.com
--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.