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Gray Kingbird @ Pawley's Island


Although Mr. Lilly has reported seeing the Gray Kingbird this afternoon, I
thought potential viewers might be interested in our experience this

Carolyn Bush and I arrived around 8 AM.   We cruised up and down the road,
parking in 2 different places - a ways down the road and then near the
tennis court.  It was at the latter at 10:30, that I looked to the right
(north), and spotted it sitting on the wire about where I judged it was
originally seen - just south of the intersection.  It was NOT fly catching
but changed its position so we could confirm its identity.

Now while we were thus engaged, a local police vehicle was guiding a semi
that was having to drive backwards up the road.  We had seen it pass by and
then saw it parked at the end of the road earlier, where it obviously
couldn't turn around.  They were proceeding about 1 mph, and the Kingbird
took one look at this strange very large thing approaching and took off.  We
waited for the bird to show up again and then drove around for a couple of
minutes but it was gone!

We both have seen Fulvous Whistling Ducks in So. Carolina, so didn't stop at
Huntington Bch. St. Pk., but went up to check out the pond at Myrtle Beach
St. Pk.  Alas, there was nothing exciting there late in the AM as far as we
could see and hear, so we headed home.

I never got around to reporting on the CBC at Clemson, but do want to say
that we enjoyed the field trips and the speakers and we commend Steve
Patterson for his efforts.  Thanks to Ricky Davis' suggestion, we did get
those 2 shorebirds we wanted for SC list at the Aquaculture pond's mudflat
on getaway day.

Keep on listin',
Mary McDavit, Sunset Lakes, Sunset Beach, NC