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Outer Banks birds

Hi folks, 
Had several good birding trips lately - not much time
to post though, plus computer problems.

Went out on the Palmettto Peartree Preserve last
Thursday. What a great place! Had 15 or 16 species of
warblers, all 7 woodpeckers, lots of fun! Several
Black-throated Blues, Redstarts, Blackpolls; 3
Swainson's Warblers. All the breeding birds in place.

A friend and I birded the south end of the dismal
swamp north of Elizabeth City (Weyerhauser Ditch Road)
last Sat. and had 18 species of warblers including
lots of La. Waterthrushes, several Swainson's,
Black-throated Blues, Blackpolls, N. Waterthrush,
Magnolia. Also both tanagers, Rose-breasted Grosbeak,
Very, etc...

Later that day on the northern banks had RB Grosbeak,
Balt. Orioles, Red-headed Woodpecker, Magnolia
Warbler, Blackpolls, and several more warblers in the
shrubs up at Pine Island sanctuary.

Bodie Woods two days ago had a beautiful male
Blackburnian Warbler.

Scattered good birds on Roanoke Island lately include
Magnolia Warbler, Worm-eating warbler, Black-throated
Blues, Blackpolls, Yellow Warbler, Scarlet and Summer
Tanager, RB Grosbeak; not too much actually. Still
getting Yellow-rumps and WT Sparrows.

Jeff Lewis
Manteo, NC

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