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death of another hummer

hi y'all,

as i went out to refill the hummer feeders at work this morning, i noticed
an ad. male Ruby-throated perched in a peculiar manner on one of the
feeders. when i opened the door, he fluttered down to the ground. i picked
him up for inspection and safety (there's a d***ed cat the frequents the
area) and noted his bill slightly agape, tongue distended, labored breathing
and a very swollen area at his nape. i hand-fed him, then put him into
safe-keeping for awhile. later, he appeared to be paralyzed, lying on his
side, still breathing, eyes open most of the time, seemingly aware of me but
not moving, his tongue retracted and bill closed. he remained in this state
for approx. 3 hrs, then i heard movement as if he were attempting to fly.
when i looked at him, he had moved a cpl of inches, tongue again extended.
he appeared to feed when food was offered, but didn't seem to be able to
swallow and was unable to hold a perch. the swelling on his nape had abated
somewhat, his eyes were bright and clear, he just appeared to have little
motor control. at 5 i made the decision to bring him home with me and alas,
he expired along the way.

i've already communicated with Bob Sargent and have his thoughts (which have
some support that Bob wasn't aware of) but wanted to hear what some of y'all
might think.

BTW, he was another returnee from last year.

the only good things about today were the noticeable increase in females at
the feeders, and a male guarding the door of a trap at home. i just didn't
feel like handling him this eve.


gary phillips
conway, sc
sunset zone 31

"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J.J. Audubon)