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Re: Scissortails?

Monroe, NC

Over a week ago (or maybe 2 weeks?), I reported seeing one scissor-tailed
flycatcher.  I may have seen one ST the next day, but I was too far away
to be sure, even with binoculars.  Since then I have not seen them at
all.  Blayne and I keep hoping they will show up again, but so far it
looks bleak indeed.  I have even gone down several roads near us thinking
maybe they located near here.  But no ST have been seen.

The only hope I have is that they may just be very late nesting this
year.  The first year they did not show up until early June.

Thanks to everyone who sent us emails of encouragement.  I will post again
if  we see them.

Anne Olsen

Blayne & Anne Olsen
Monroe, NC