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"New" ABA birds in Texas

	How many of you are Audubon Society members? Did you see the latest
magazine, dated "6/2003"? Did you see the advertisement section for "A
birdwatchers' paradise ... Texas", pages 31-35? Well -- check it out, if
you haven't already!

On page 31, the upper left photo is something weird -- one person I know
thinks it's a Pied Kingfisher. Anyway, whatever -- a new ABA bird.

On page 32, I find that Eared Grebe nests in Texas!

On page 34, the upper left photo is of a flock of flamingoes, not
Greater Flamingos, but some South American species! (I could check some
books at home, but why bother.)

On page 34, the right-most photo is of some Old World Oriole, maybe a
"Black-headed Oriole" of Africa, the same species that was in the first
Audubon Eastern guide in the 1980s for the TX Black-headed Oriole (now
Audubon's Oriole).

Hmmm --  TX Travel bureau I believe is at fault here. This is very
embarassing! In a national magazine, promoting birding. Too bad they
didn't run the 5-page ad by TX Audubon members or the TX birding experts
before they ran the article. If they try to run the same article in
Birding, I would hope the ABA editors would catch the mistakes. Audubon
staff at the magazine have to take some blame here also, even though it
wasn't their ad.

Hope NC and SC travel agencies aren't planning on running birding ads in
Audubon or some other magazine, at least not before having photos
reviewed first.

Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
DENR   Office of Conservation and Community Affairs
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8687 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net