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Re: Arizona bird list

I forgot to put my name on this mess.

-- Helmut C Mueller

409 Moonridge Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Phone: 919-942-4937

Permanent email address: hmueller@email.unc.edu

> From: Helmut Mueller <hmuelle@earthlink.net>
> Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 20:12:35 -0400
> To: <CarolinaBirds@duke.edu>
> Subject: Arizona bird list
> For the 1 or 2 of you who mihgt be interested, here is our bird list from a
> trip to AZ
> 26 April ­ 5 May 2003
> White-faced Ibis
> California Condor
> Turkey Vulture
> Red-tailed Hawk
> Zone-tailed Hawk
> Swainsonıs Hawk
> Golden Eagle
> Sharp-shinned Hawk
> Cooperıs Hawk
> American Kestrel
> Gambelıs Quail & hybrid
> Coot
> Long-billed Curlew
> Mourning Dove
> White-winged Dove
> Band-tailed Pigeon
> Rock Dove
> Road-runner
> Elf Owl
> Whiskered Screech Owl (h)
> Whip-poor-will  (h)
> Poorwill  (h)
> Broad-billed Hummingbird
> Blue-throated Hummingbird
> Magnificent Hummingbird
> Black-chinned Hummingbird
> Broad-tailed Hummingbird
> Costaıs Hummingbird
> Elegant Trogon
> Acorn Woodpecker
> Hairy Woodpecker
> Ladder-backed Woodpecker
> Arizona Woodpecker
> Northern Flicker
> Gila Woodpecker
> Gilded Flicker
> Northern Beardless Tyrannulet
> Greater Pewee
> Western Wood Pewee
> Hammondıs Flycatcher
> Dusky Flycatcher
> Black Phoebe
> Dusky-capped Flycatcher
> Ash-throated Flycatcher
> Brown-crested Flycatcher
> Cassinıs  Kingbird
> Loggerhead Shrike
> Gray Vireo
> Bellıs Vireo
> Huttonıs Vireo
> Plumbeous Vireo
> Stellerıs Jay
> Western Scrub Jay
> Pinyon Jay
> Mexican Jay
> Common Raven
> Chihuahuan Raven
> Violet-green Swallow
> Mountain Chickadee
> Bridled Titmouse
> Verdin
> Bushtit
> White-breasted Nuthatch
> Pygmy Nuthatch
> Bewickıs Wren
> Canyon Wren
> Rock Wren (h)
> House Wren
> Cactus Wren
> Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
> Townsendıs Solitaire
> American Robin
> Western Bluebird
> Curve-billed Thrasher
> Le Conteıs Thrasher
> Crissal Thrasher
> Europeon Starling
> Phainopepla
> Virginiaıs Warbler
> Lucyıs Warbler
> Black-throated Gray Warbler
> Audubonıs Warbler
> Townsendıs Warbler
> Hermit Warbler
> Graceıs Warbler
> Painted Redstart
> Red-faced Warbler
> Wilsonıs Warbler
> Olive Warbler
> Summer Tanager
> Western Tanager
> Hepatic Tanager
> Pyrrhuloxia
> Northern Cardinal
> Black-headed Grosbeak
> Lazuli Bunting
> Spotted Towhee
> Green-tailed Towhee
> Canyon Towhee
> Rufous-crowned Sparrow
> Black-throated Sparrow
> Chipping Sparrow
> Lark Sparrow
> White-crowned Sparrow
> Yellow-eyed Junco
> Dark-eyed Junco
> Western Meadowlark
> Brown-headed Cowbird
> Red-winged Blackbird
> Brewerıs  Blackbird
> Great-tailed Grackle
> Bullockıs Oriole
> Scottıs Oriole
> House Finch
> Cassinıs  Finch
> Pine Siskin
> Lesser Goldfinch
> House Sparrow