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Cowans Ford this past weekend

Birds seen/heard (in addition to the usual suspects) at CFWR from Friday,
May 30, thru today, June 2 in two several-hour visits during the daytime
period 1000hrs to 1500hrs each day:

             Great Blue Heron
             Green Heron
             Black Vulture
             Turkey Vulture
             Wood Duck, M & F
             Red-tailed Hawk
             Northern Bobwhite
             Yellow-billed Cuckoo
             Chimney Swift
             Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (2)
             Downy Woodpecker
             Northern Flicker
             Eastern Phoebe
             Great Crested Flycatcher
             Eastern Kingbird (many)
             Northern Rough-winged Swallow
             Barn Swallow
             Eastern Bluebird
             Wood Thrush
             Blackpoll Warbler (several heard in pines nr obs. dex)
             Common Yellowthroat
             Eastern Towhee
             Field Sparrow
             Indigo Bunting (many, incl. 1 female)
             Red-winged Blackbird
             Eastern Meadowlark
             Brown-headed Cowbird
             Orchard Oriole

Tomm "l'artiste manque" Lorenzin
Davidson (Lake Norman), NC


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for everything, and talent
    for but a fraction

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