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Duke Forest birding


Jacob Socolar and I enjoyed participating in the newly organized Duke
Forest Bird Survey this morning.  (For more info, see
http://www.env.duke.edu/forest/).  While we didn't find any rarities, we
were pleased to find several nice breeders including a couple Scarlet
Tanagers, five L. Waterthrushes, some chats, several Hooded Warblers, and
a couple of Prairie Warblers.  We only heard a few Wood Thrushes, though.
That species seems to be down in numbers even more this year.  Another
highlight was having a Barred Owl fly right down the trail at 11am.

Good birding,


Jeffrey S. Pippen
Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences
Rm 139 Biological Sciences Bldg, Biology Department Box 90338
Duke University, Durham, NC  27708
PH: (919) 660-7278			<jspippen@duke.edu>