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The NC Bird Records Committee COULD review additional Bermuda Petrel
records if we wanted. We have accepted about four records already, and
theoretically could go up to 10. But, we prefer to review reports 1-3 of
species for the state, or first or second records for a province, etc.

Thus, Brad can send photos to me and any text to go along with the
Bermuda, and we will review the record. At this point, I (Committee
chair) would prefer to NOT review other Gulf Stream Bermuda Petrels
unless they are photographic ones. 

Things of note regarding pelagic species and Committees:

Fea's Petrel
The ABA Committee still has not completely accepted Fea's Petrel (NC
has, long ago and is not reviewing this species any longer). You may
know they have copped out and have accepted only "Fea's/Zino's",
claiming they cannot completely rule out Zino's Petrel. But, Brian
Patteson has posted the best photo I've ever seen on a Fea's (from this
year's trips) on his website, a close-up underside with the heavy bill
obvious. This photo and text needs to be shown to the ABA Committee.
Maybe they will see the light, or at least get some East Coast pelagic
folks on the Committee.

Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel
The NC Committee DID accept the species and photos to the Official List.
The ABA Committee did not, claiming that a dark-rumped Leach's cannot
completely be ruled out (even though no such records from the Atlantic,
but a handful of Swinhoe's are apparently nesting in the eastern
Atlantic). Thus, if another dark-rumped storm-petrel is seen again
offshore, click those cameras. But, as with the Fea's, the ABA Committee
(and maybe AOU) may need specimens of Fea's and Swinhoe's. I'm not
suggesting bringing along guns, but ...

I marvel at the great photography on pelagic trips, from folks like
Brian, Brad Carlson, Mike Tove, and others (Alan Brady of NJ was the
pioneer). And, Mary Gustafson's great shots of Bulwer's Petrel got that
species accepted by the ABA Committee, always a tough chore. Keep up the
good work.

Harry LeGrand
Chair, NC Bird Records Committee
Brad Carlson wrote:
> FYI: I just received my slides back from the Memorial Day weekend pelagics
> (May 24th & 25th out of Manteo).  I am extremely pleased to report that I
> ended up with eight (8) identifiable slides of the BERMUDA PETREL from the
> May 24th trip.  Six (6) of the slides are very good in focus quality.  Of
> the six, there are three (3) dorsal views and three (3) ventral views.  With
> all the excitement that day, I was not sure how good the photos would be,
> but I am excited to say that they came out excellent.
> Currently, I have not made any copies of the slides, nor have I made any
> photos from them for scanning into a computer.  Can anyone tell me if the NC
> State Records Committee still needs photos to accept records for this
> species, or are we beyond that at this point due to the number of records?
> -Brad Carlson
> Winterville, NC
> BradCarlson1@hotmail.com
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Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
DENR   Office of Conservation and Community Affairs
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8697 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net