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Re: More on Eurasian versus Ringed


I am afraid I was wrong concerning this Ringed Turtle Dove. I was thinking about Streptopelia roseogrisea which is genuine "wild" species. Whereas S. risoria is actually domesticated and bred form of S.roseogrisea, with non-species status by some authors.
There are several "color" variations of Ringed TD, thus my discussion is not very precise and concerning the genuine species S. roseogrisea. Well, anyway I would like to see some wing photos and better photos of all underside of that bird to be sure about ID.
More interesting notes about Ringed TD: http://www.concannon.net/wilmer/Wilmer's%20WebPage/GENETICS_OF_RINGNECKS.htm <http://www.concannon.net/wilmer/Wilmer%27s%20WebPage/GENETICS_OF_RINGNECKS.htm>

Will Cook wrote:

I just switched the Ringed Turtle-Dove photo to one without the tag obscuring part of the tail - see http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook/museumbirds.html
You can more clearly see that both the undertail coverts and outer webs of the retrices (tail feathers) are whitish. As I understand it, Eurasian Collared-Dove is very similar to wild-type Ringed Turtle-Dove but has darker gray undertail coverts and blackish outer webs, extending a little past the black band on the inner webs.

Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
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