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Wake Migration Count

Hi all. The following results are from Wake County Migration Count on
May 10, 2003.

Spring Bird Count/ IMBD Results
May 10, 2003
Raleigh-Wake County

Compiler Observations:
*Had a good count, with 120 species and 4784 individual birds as
compared to last years 119 species and 4184 birds. We had 28 observers
in 13 parties participate. Weather was good though unseasonably warm,
with temperatures climbing throughout the day into the upper 80s and low
90s. Late in the afternoon storms threatened but did not develop. There
were few large fall-outs of migrants reported this spring, but a small,
steady stream through the season. Even so, we recorded 23 species of
warblers this year as compared with 18 last year. Extensive spring rains
have lakes full, so few mudflats and few shorebirds. Last winter’s ice
storm affected woodlands with many downed limbs and felled trees.
*Great Blue Heron colonies continue, but no expansion or additional
colonies in the area. Some colonies contracted with dead trees used for
nesting having fallen.
*Ospreys are now nesting at Lake Wheeler.
*Birds of the successional meadow habitat continue to be scarce.
Bobwhite were not reported, and Field Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow and
Prairie Warbler numbers remain low.  Eastern Meadowlarks and Loggerhead
Shrike, however, had increased in numbers. Bobolinks returned after one
year’s absence. Field Sparrow returned on territory to Anderson Point
Park wildlife meadow after 3 years absence; Greenview Pond area is
becoming shrub-thicket with many YB Chats;
*Cliff Swallow colonies continue to expand along the Neuse River (1 nest
was reported at Lake Wheeler), but Tree Swallows were not found nesting
near the Buckeye Greenway in Raleigh this year. Purple Martin colonies
managed by Wake Audubon are expanding.
*Unusual/good observations include: Pied-billed Grebe (1), Northern
Pintail (1) at Lake Johnson, Ruddy Duck (1), Hooded Merganser (1) at
Buckeye Trail, Red-breasted Merganser (4 females) at Lake Wheeler,
American Coot (1), Warbling Vireo (1 singing) at Mid-Pines, Solitary
Vireo (1) in Umstead Park, Bay-breasted Warbler (1), Canada Warbler (1),
and White-throated Sparrow (1).

John Connors, Compiler
NC Museum of Natural Sciences
Raleigh, NC