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Graham County Birding in June

Spent yesterday (June 19, 2003) leading an out of town lady on a very
pleasant birding exploration of Graham County, NC. We normally spend part of
April and May exploring the county, so this gave me the opportunity to head
up there slightly later than normal. Thankfully we dodged the rain showers
and had a wonderful day.
The highlights included:
Ruffed Grouse - VERY close, seen from about 4 feet
Wild Turkey    1 female with several almost newly hatched chicks
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker    1 male at 4146' on the Cherohala Skyway - in
exactly the same place as last year.
Veery     10+ on the Cherohala Skyway (spectacular chorus!)
14 Warblers: Golden-wing, BtBlue, BtGreen, Blackburnian, Kentucky, YbChat,
etc etc etc
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Plus a pretty good selection of butterflies.

We have a diverse selection of Ventures scheduled for the next 3 months

July 19    Hellbenders, Hendersonville, NC: Searching for the largest
salamander in the US with Carlton Burke and Simon Thompson
August 15    Botanising the Southern Blue Ridge with Elisabeth Feil
August 30    Tree identification and Learning how to give Bird Directions,
Asheville, NC with Elisabeth Feil and Simon Thompson
September 6    Blue Ridge Botanicals, Asheville, NC with Elisabeth Feil
September 26-28    Migration at Huntington Beach SP, SC with Lex Glover

Details of all of these Ventures are on the website. Please contact us here
for additional details!

Simon Thompson
Ventures Birding and Nature Tours
PO Box 1095
Skyland, NC 28776
Phone: 828.253.4247