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Hi C'birders,
I have been out of the loop for the last two weeks with a bout of
siatica, which is getting better and a 10 day (non-birding) trip to
central Europe. Of course I still saw a few interesting things like
Hooded Crow and  Alpine Chough.
Today, Bob Maxwell and I did a brief 2.5 hour tour of the causeway and a
stroll down the carriage path.  A kind of birding test for my siatic
left side came out rather pain free.  We garnered 34 species the best of
which were a female Ruby-throated Hummer, and one male Painted Bunting
singing from a pine tree in the triangle at the east end of the
causeway.  All species for this report can be found on e-bird.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC