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Fw: Make A Difference For The American Birding Assn.

Some info. on how "Winged Migration" can help bird conservation.

Craig Watson
Mt. Pleasant, SC
----- Original Message -----
From: <Craig_Watson@fws.gov>
To: <jcraigw1@comcast.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 10:37 AM
Subject: Make A Difference For The American Birding Assn.

 Craig Watson
 Assistant Coordinator
 Atlantic Coast Joint Venture
 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
 176 Croghan Spur Rd., Suite 200
 Charleston, Sc 29407
 (843)727-4707, ext. 16
 Fax: (843)727-4218

 (Embedded image moved to file: pic01221.gif)

----- Forwarded by Craig Watson/R4/FWS/DOI on 07/01/2003 10:36 AM -----
|         |           Craig Watson    |
|         |                           |
|         |           06/27/2003 02:25|
|         |           PM              |
|         |                           |

  |        To:      jcraigw1@comcast.net
  |        cc:
  |        Subject: Make A Difference For The American Birding Assn.


 Craig Watson
 Assistant Coordinator
 Atlantic Coast Joint Venture
 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
 176 Croghan Spur Rd., Suite 200
 Charleston, Sc 29407
 (843)727-4707, ext. 16
 Fax: (843)727-4218

 (Embedded image moved to file: pic17007.gif)

----- Forwarded by Craig Watson/R4/FWS/DOI on 06/27/2003 02:25 PM -----
|         |           "Jerry W Davis" |
|         |           <jwdavis@fs.fed.|
|         |           us>             |
|         |                           |
|         |           06/27/2003 09:15|
|         |           AM              |
|         |                           |

  |        To:      Caroleallen@sbcglobal.net,
rchastain@agfc.state.ar.us, dcdaniel@fs.fed.us, carolhardy@fs.fed.us,
  |        lamoore@fs.fed.us, cwrideout@agfc.state.ar.us,
clifford.shackelford@tpwd.state.tx.us, ej_williams@mail.dnr.state.ga.us|
  |        cc:
  |        Subject: Make A Difference For The American Birding Assn.


Birders may be interested in this opportunity.

/s/ Jerry W. Davis

Jerry W. Davis, Forest Wildlife Program Manager
Ouachita National Forest
P.O. Box 1270
Hot Springs, AR 71902-1270
Phone  501-321-5201,  FAX  501-321-5353
E-mail  jwdavis@fs.fed.us
What Have You Done For Wildlife Today?

----- Forwarded by Jerry W Davis/R8/USDAFS on 06/27/2003 08:06 AM -----

                      Jeri McMahon

                      <okiebirder@myne         To:
                      wroads.com>              cc:

                      Sent by: okbirds         Subject: Make A
For The American Birding Assn.


                      06/26/2003 04:50


                      Please respond

                      to Jeri McMahon

----- Original Message -----
From: Higher Octave Music
To: Dear Jeri
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 6:19 PM
Subject: Make A Difference For The American Birding Assn.

                           VIEW TEXT ONLY E-MAIL

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 pic06676.jpg)                   pic09882.jpg)
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                                   A SPECIAL OFFER FOR MEMBERS OF THE
                                      AMERICAN BIRDING ASSOCIATION:
image moved
 (Embedded image moved to file:
 (Embedded image moved to file:  The American Birding Association and

 pic10297.jpg)                   Higher Octave Music are happy to offer

 (Embedded image moved to file:  ABA members the new enhanced soundtrack

 pic19137.jpg)                   from the Academy AwardŽ nominated film,

                                 "Winged Migration."

                                 $5 dollars from every sale will be

                                 donated to the American Birding

                                 Association by Higher Octave Music.

                                 Additionally, purchase any other music

                                 from the Higher Octave website and 10%

                                 of the purchase price will be donated

                                 back to the ABA.

                                 Composed by Bruno Coulais, this

                                 soundtrack captures the majesty and

                                 drama of birds in flight and in life.

                                 Also included on the disc is a special

                                 enhanced new media section with

                                 detailed migration patterns, bird

                                 photos, info on the making of the

                                 movie, interviews and a sweepstakes

                                 contest giving away a grand prize bird

                                 watching trip to Japan for two.

                                 Visit the American Birding Association

                                   Check out more Higher Octave music

(See attached file: pic06676.jpg)(See attached file: pic09882.jpg)(See
attached file: pic23066.jpg)(See attached file: pic25513.jpg)(See
file: pic03917.jpg)(See attached file: pic21822.jpg)(See attached file:
pic28834.jpg)(See attached file: pic30128.jpg)(See attached file:
pic12000.jpg)(See attached file: pic25066.jpg)(See attached file:
pic10297.jpg)(See attached file: pic19137.jpg)(See attached file: