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RE: Terns of Floyd

Hurricane Floyd may have little to do with the Terns' appearance in this
area (Lake Norman, Lookout Shoals Lake, Lake Hickory), although they may be
remanent from Dennis.  I have been observing Common and Forster's Terns on
Lake Norman for the past three weeks - while Floyd was still a Hershey bar
in his father's back pocket.

	Tom "le dilettante maudit" Lorenzin
	Davidson (Lake Norman), NC
	tomlo@microsoft.com or tomlor@bellsouth.net
	"...mass grips space by telling it how to curve,
	  space grips mass by telling it how to move."
	      --  John Archibald Wheeler
	Visit me at:

-----Original Message-----
From: carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu
[mailto:carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu]On Behalf Of J. Dwayne Martin
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 19:08
To: Hurricane Net
Cc: Carolinabirds
Subject: Terns of Floyd

We are on the very outer north-western fringes of Hurricane Floyd here in
Catawba County, NC.  We have been experiencing light rain and sustained
winds of 15-20mph.  We have been checking Lookout Shoals Lake (about 2 miles
from our home) at two hour intervals this afternoon.  At 2:30pm, there was
no activity.  Upon our return at 4:30pm, we had a smattering of terns---more
than we've ever had in the county.  There were 50+ Forster's Terns and 150+
Common Terns.  They appeared to be trying to head upstream but continuously
were forced back by the winds.  They were quite close to our location at
times and some were feeding and calling.  We just checked back at 6:30pm and
found the lake empty.  We'll check back tomorrow morning and let you know
what we see.

Dwayne & Lori Martin
Foothills Bird Club
Claremont, NC