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Today at the Mt. Pisgah Hawkwatch...9/25/99

Today's "Raptor Day" event was a great success.  Thanks to the many
local birders who came by and shared their time and expertise.  Special
thanks to Tim Lewis, Lori Unruh, Reece Mitchell, Ray and Sandy Sharpton,
and Greg Townsend.

A respectable number of birds appeared, despite the long spell of pretty
weather.  By noon, the birds were flying out of sight in the clear blue
sky, making for some very difficult counting.  

Today's totals:
Bald Eagle...1
Sharp-shinned Hawk...2
Cooper's Hawk...3
unidentified accipiter...1
Broad-winged Hawk...655
Red-tailed Hawk...2

Today's totals pushed us past the 2,000 mark for the season.  I sure
hope all you folks in Charleston had as much fun as we did! ;)

Other species observed today...many warblers and vireos, principally
Magnolia, Black-throated Blue, and Orange-crowned warblers and
Blue-headed Vireos (lots!)
Several Scarlet Tanagers, Sapsuckers, and Cuckoos.  Migrant Blue Jays
are beginning to move in significant numbers.  

Butterflies:  No actual counts, but Monarchs were moving in the
mid-afternoon at an estimated rate of 75 per hour.  There were many more
Sulphurs than I've seen so far this season, probably 10-20 per hour.

Our merry little band of hawkwatchers will continue to monitor the
overlook as often as possible.  Please drop by if you're in the area!

Bill Sanderson
Asheville, NC