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While I could only spare a few moments to bird in the yard today, what a
productive few minutes they were.

Shortly after hearing the "ji-dit" of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, the chickadees
and titmice began scolding.  Chickadees never lie and, sure enough, a look
through the trees revealed an immature Black-throated Green Warbler busily
feeding in a pine tree near the noisy gang.   

This is only the second time I have been lucky enough to find a
Black-throated Green Warbler in Fairfield county and the first time in
Fairfield county in the fall.  

Early October seems awfully early to find Ruby-crowned Kinglets but I would
welcome comments on that.  All my yard lists are annual and, because
Ruby-crowns usually get themselves on the list in early to mid-January, I
have no good records of arrival dates for them.  

Donna Bailey
Winnsboro, SC
e-mail: dsbailey@conterra.com
URL: http://www.conterra.com/dsbailey
     "Where are the Birds?  Migration across South Carolina"
URL: http://www.conterra.com/dsbailey/audubon	
    "Columbia Audubon Society"