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Today and Yesterday at the Pisgah Hawkwatch...10/1 and 10/2/99

The weather for the past 2 days has been perfect...too perfect.  Blue
skies, the hawkwathers bane, have been the name of the game, meaning
that by 11:30 Broad-winged Hawks and other high-fliers are literally
impossible to see.

Despite the tough viewing, a good number of birds were spotted.  The
accipiters are beginning to move in good numbers, and with the
persistent southeasterly winds have given us lots of long, delightful


Hours: 4 (2-6 pm)
Osprey -- 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk -- 3
Cooper's Hawk -- 2
Broad-winged Hawk -- 64
Am. Kestrel -- 2

Hours -- 3 (10 am - 1 pm)
Sharp-shinned Hawk -- 5
Cooper's Hawk -- 2
Broad-winged Hawk -- 42
Red-tailed Hawk -- 1 
Am. Kestrel -- 2

Butterflies:  Monarchs moving both days at 40 - 50 per hour.  Sulphurs
at approx. 10 - 20 per hour.

Other birds of note:  On 10/1 we were treated to a flock of Dbl-crested
Cormorants -- 35 in a nice V approx. 3,000 feet above valley floor. 
Several orioles, also on 10/1.  Warbler numbers around the overlook
continue to be good. Lots of migrating jays this morning (about 45 in 3

Thanks to Ray Sharpton, Barry and Carro Hinderstein, Joan and Ken Cope,
Bet Fontaine, and Lindsey from the Cradle of Forestry for helping out.

Bill Sanderson
Asheville, NC