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Henderson County Update/Probable Ash-throated Flycatcher

    While birding Hooper Lane/Jeffress Rd. area of the county, I had what I
first thought to be a Great-crested Flycatcher.  I was with Ron Selvey, Rick
Hensley, and Bill Green.  I called the bird, but knew that this is too late
for a Great-crested, but anything is possible.  I then told the group we
needed to check this bird real closely.  We followed this bird along a wet
weedy ditch for 30 minutes and about 1/4 mile.  All during this time the
bird was ahead of us 30 to 75 feet, just flying and hopping from bush to
bush and would occassionally feed.  During this time I was getting some good
video, but no head on shots.  Finally, I crossed the ditch, and videoed the
bird head on from about 10 feet.
Details: Great-crested F/C size bird.  The bird had an all black bill, very
faint eye-ring. It displayed wing bars and very prominant rufous coloration
in the primaries. The back and head were gray/brown in color.  The tail was
dark but it was very rufous in flight.  The throat and chest were very pale,
almost white, and the belly showed a very pale yellow wash.  The pale color
on the throat, extended to the sides of the neck. The bird never vocalized.
    I know this is a very rare bird, but I feel strongly that it is a
probable Ash-throated flycatcher,and if it's any, I think Ash-throated would
be the most likely. I guess I'll let the experts decide when I submit it.
    Directions: Take Hooper Lane north from #191 to Jeffress Rd.  Make a
left on Jeffress Rd.  Go about 1/4 mile and the road curves sharply to the
right, there is one tree on the left at the curve.  You will also see
several piles of fertilizer off to the left.  The bird was working along
this ditch,(left side of the road) and I last viewed the bird here.  Good
