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thanks Re: RFI Charleston, SC in November

carolinabirders (especially craig watson, dennis forsythe, lex glover),

thanks for your advice regarding birding folly island, where I spent a
couple of days the weekend before thxgiving.  I was able to spend less
time birding than I'd hoped (alas, I can't remember when the opposite
was true!), but did enjoy some pleasant mild-weather birding off the south
end of Folly Island.

From my perspective, the most interesting birds found were tri-colored
heron (several), bald eagle (1 -- sitting in tree in marsh), piping plover
(1), gannet (many diving just offshore).  I also saw a very large white
bird with partially-black wings soaring over the marsh between the barrier
island and the mainland, which could've been a gannet (never seen over
land) or a white pelican, but too far away to make out anything on it).

thanks again for all your help,

Robert Weiner (rweiner@gwis2.circ.gwu.edu)
George Washington University
Washington DC 20052
202 994 5981