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Chapel Hill Rufous Hummer


Today I managed to band the Driscolls hummingbird in Chapel Hill.  It is an
immature (hatch year)  female Rufous.  She is molting body feathers pretty
heavily but in good condition- plenty plump.  Probably the best indicator
was that she disappeared for about an hour just after I arrived and set up
my trap.  I knew the other feeder in the neighborhood had been taken down
so I was very puzzled not to see her for so long on such a cold morning!

Anyway, I released her, none the worse for wear in the yard after fitting
her with a tiny aluminum band, taking measurements and a bunch of photos. A
very pretty little bird for my first in-hand Rufous!!

Many thanks to the Driscolls for the opportunity --as well as condolences
over the impending loss of their big, beautiful patch of Pineapple Sage
(with tonights 20-degree temps)  :(

Susan M. Campbell
Whispering Pines, NC
