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cape hatteras bird walk

On Tuesday 11/30/99 only two people showed up for the weekly Cape
Hatteras Bird Club bird walk. Despite the high winds and cold temps we
headed out to Cape Point in search of the reported snow buntings. No
snow buntings were seen despite diligent searching.
Ramp #43 Pond:
snowy egret
great egret
pied bill grebe
buffle head
ring neck duck

Salt Pond: very choppy making spotting difficult
tundra swans
ruddy ducks
buffle head
double crested cormorants

Beach: much blowing sand
greater black backed gulls
lesser black backed gulls (10)
herring gulls
ring bill gulls
laughing gulls
bonaparte's gulls (8)
ruddy turnstone
royal terns
great blue herons (8)