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Carolinabirds Anniversary

Carolinabirds is 3 years old today, 12/13/1999. It started off simply
enough when Jeff Pippen and I were talking in the lab about how it would
be nice to have a regional e-mail group like the ones that Texas and
Arizona/New Mexico had. One day, when I had some free time, I did a
search on the Duke web pages to see whether they had ListServ or Majordomo
installed.  Duke didn't have ListServ (which is a much fancier program),
but did have Majordomo.  I found a web page telling me all about how to
set up and run a Majordomo e-mail group at Duke, so I filled out the
application form and sent it in.  A month later, after I'd almost
forgotten about my request, on the auspicious date of Friday the 13th of
December, I got a message from the Majordomo-owner saying that
Carolinabirds had been set up.  So I sent a notification out to Birdchat
and birders whose e-mail addresses I knew and the group started to take

Here's some information about Carolinabirds subscribers:

Total subscribers on 12/13/1999: 438
on 9/1/98: 350
on 7/14/97: 257
on 5/14/97: 254
on 4/15/97: 237
on 2/14/97: 186
on 1/13/97: 104

Breakdown by location on 12/13/99:

1	Alabama
1	Botswana
1	Canada
3	Florida
2	Georgia
1	Illinois
1	Indiana
1	Japan
1	Massachusetts
3	Maryland
238	North Carolina (69.4% of known locations)
1	Netherlands
3	New York
2	Pennsylvania
66	South Carolina (19.2%)
1	Singapore
6	Tennessee
1	Turkey
1	Texas
1	Utah
8	Virginia
94	unknown

We're in at least 7 countries and 15 US states!

The largest cluster is in the Research Triangle Park area of NC 
(Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill):
114     RTP     (33.2%)

Breakdown by sex (estimated from names):
159     f (38%)
259     m

Some general trends for since two years ago: the geographical diversity is up 
greatly, the percentage from NC is down slightly, the percentage from SC is 
up slightly, the percentage from the Triangle is down sharply, and the 
percentage of females is up very slightly (nearly unchanged).

Thanks to all of you who make this group a success!  (And pray we don't have 
another attack from the infamous "swamp monster" or the "happy99" worm.)

Merry Christmas Bird Counting!

Will Cook

Charles W. "Will" Cook                w 919-660-7423
cwcook@duke.edu                 h 919-967-5446
Duke University Botany Dept., Durham, North Carolina