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Re: Pee Dee NWR (NC) CBC

Oops - looking at the Cornell CBC site 
I see that the Smith's Longspur was in count 98, the previous year -- I 
remebered incorrectly. I don't doubt the ID of that, but a couple of other 
"interesting" finds turned up:

Great Crested Flycatcher 1 in 97 , 2 in 98
Catharus sp. 1 in 98

Wonder if these had good details...

I know there are a few mistakes in the database -- for example, it tells you 
that Chapel Hill reported a N Goshawk in count 96, but we've never reported 
one, as far as I know (probably a mistyped Cooper's Hawk, which is the next 
line up).

By the way -- anyone heard the results of this year's Hilton Head "count"?  
Looking at last year's results, not only were there many of the dreaded [ND-
Ed.] marks, the compiler didn't even bother to complete the observer effort 
section and the total number of party-hours is unbelievable.

Charles W. "Will" Cook                w 919-660-7423
cwcook@duke.edu                 h 919-967-5446
Duke University Botany Dept., Durham, North Carolina