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Re. CBC report book

Below is info from the National Audubon Society's website on how to order
your copy of American Birds, the results of the 1998-1999 Christmas Bird

I'd like to put in a plug for American Birds (the CBC results) as well as
for Field Notes, the quarterly report of seasonal highlights (now published
by the American Birding Association). First, both make fascinating reading.
Second, keeping touch with trends in our region beyond the Carolinas makes
us better birders here at home. Third, these publications can help us
prepare for forays beyond the Carolinas.

For example: The family Christmas was held in Tucson this year, so Cynthia
and I decided  to spend a couple of days at the Santa Rita Lodge in Madera
Canyon before the whole gang got together. In order to study up on the
expected birds, I photocopied 5 years worth of Christmas Bird Count results
from the Madera Canyon/Green Valley CBC. Our birding there was so much fun
that we started thinking about actually going on the Christmas Bird Count
while we were there. The photocopies indicated that it's held on Dec 27
every year, and the compiler's name and address were listed, so I called up
Dick Palmer, the compiler, and on Dec 27 our group found 85 species, more
that half of the 143 seen in the circle this year. (Okay, okay--I didn't
personally see 85, but I saw more than are seen on a typical Christmas Bird
Count here in the mountains.) It was a blast to do a Christmas count in such
different habitat, although the saguaro cacti decked out in Santa hats in
some front yards in Green Valley were rather distracting. And Dick made sure
I got a great look at a Rufous-winged Sparrow.

So here's how to get your copy of the printed results of the 99th Christmas
Bird Count:

 If you haven't ordered your CBC issue yet and wish to do so, send a check
for $10.00 to:

Christmas Bird Count
National Audubon Society
700 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
Please make checks payable to "National Audubon Society", and write "for
99th CBC issue" in the memo line.

Charlotte Goedsche
Asheville NC