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hermit thrush


A few weeks ago, when the snow was still around but melting, I had an odd 
encounter with a hermit thrush.  I did not think to post it until Barbara 
Roth asked if others were seeing these birds at feeders.

As I filled my tube sunflower seed feeder, a hermit thrush landed on a limb 
right in front of my face, turned, looked me in the eye and said, "What's up?"

Avian linguistic purists will try to convince me he said, " Tsup?."  But, I 
was there. The bird spoke to me.  I admit he did not clearly enunciate the 
words, but as he is not from around here, I attribute the contracted 
syllables to an above the Mason-Dixon line accent.

Although I can explain the lingo and I otherwise have no problems with birds 
greeting me with inquisitive salutations, I am a little surprised that a 
hermit thrush would be interested in black-oil seeds.

As for the bird, I responded to his query with, "Not much. Tsup with you?"  
He flew off without a response.  I never did see him eating sunflower seeds.  
In fact, I have not seen him at all since the snow melted down in the woods 
by the creek.

Hal Broadfoot
Buies Creek, NC