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HBSP on 1-9

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today, 1-9, Gary Phillips and myself birded at Huntington Beach State Park
from 8AM till 3:30PM. We covered the causeway, crabbers dock, Sandpiper
Trail to the viewing platform overlooking Sandpiper Pond and then walked to
the jetty and did the jetty area including both sides of the jetty pond.
We scoped the North jetty and there were no ducks in that area. (No Common
Eider) We also looked in the tidal creek west of the jetty pond and some
shorebirds but no Reddish Egret. However we did see two good birds, in
caps, in the jetty pond area.  We were amazed at how few gulls and no terns
there were.  Probably due to the mild weather with virtually no wind.  The
ocean was flat as a pancake.  Still no complaints with two good birds and
69 species.  Lots of shorebirds.

Red-throated Loon-2
Common Loon-6
Pied-billed Grebe-5
Horned Grebe-2
N. Gannet-5
Brown Pelican-9
Great Cormorant-4 three on the jetty channel marker and one flyby.
Double-crested Cormorant-6
American Bittern-1 flew into saltmarsh at the causeway
Great Blue Heron-2
Great Egret-6
Snowy Egret-10
Little Blue Heron-1 adult
Tricolored Heron-14
White Ibis-48 most adults some immatures
Green-winged Teal-2
Am. Black Duck-18
Ring-necked Duck-6
Lesser Scaup-3
Scoter sp-18 probably Black but too far out to confirm
Hooded Merganser-15
Red-breasted Merganser-2
Ruddy Duck-19
Bald Eagle-1
N. Harrier-3
Red-shoudered Hawk-1 adult
Am. Coot-37
Black-bellied Plover-19
Semipalmated Plover-70
Piping Plover-3
Am. Oystercatcher-2
Greater yellowlegs-2
Ruddy Turnstone-24
Red Knot-57
Western Sandpiper-15
Purple Sandpiper-15
Short-billed Dowitcher-151
Ring-billed Gull-15
Herring Gull-3 immatures
Mourning Dove-5
Barred Owl-1
SHORT-EARED OWL-1 in the dunes between the jetty pond and the beach
Belted Kingfisher-3
Red-bellied Woodpecker-1
N. Flicker-1
Blue Jay-9
Carolina Chickadee-3
Tufted Titmouse-1
Carolina Wren-2
Golden-crowned Kinglet-2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3
Hermit Thrush-1
N. Mockingbird-3
Brown Thrasher-1
Yellow-rumped Warbler-62
Palm Warbler-1
N. Cardinal-2
E. Towhee-3
VESPER SPARROW-1 in some wrack at the edge of the marsh on the west side of
the jetty pond.  Streaked head, distinct rufous lesser coverts seen by both
of us. I saw the white outer tail feathers.  Neither of us noticed a bold
white eye ring but then we didn't look for it or rather we didn't have time
to look for it. This is only the second time I have seen Vesper in the
park.  The last time was in 1992
Savannah Sparrow-9
White-throasted Sparrow-142
Red-winged Blackbird-27
E. Meadowlark-9
Boat-tailed Grackle-30

	"Don't forget sometimes you have to look up"


Jack Peachey