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Bird Towerkill Initiative

Carolinabirders -- a request for help.  Please pass along if you know
anyone who might have the information Dr. Kerlinger is seeking.  --- Len

>From: "Paul Kerlinger" <pkerlinger@aol.com>

>Subject: Bird Towerkill Initiative

>To:   State  Ornithological Journal Editors, Societies, and Natural
>History Groups
>Re:  US F&WS  Telecommunication Tower Working Group Initiative (Bird Kills)

>I am under contract with US Fish and Wildlife Service to  conduct a
>literature and research review of the telecommunications tower-bird  kill
>problem (wireless, cellular, radio, and television towers), which may
>involve 10 million or more bird deaths each year.  This contract is part
>of US Fish and  Wildlife's new Telecommunications Tower Working Group
>initiative.  The Group includes wildlife agency  staff, university
>researchers, environmental organization representatives, FAA  and FCC
>staff, and representatives from industry.  We are attempting to understand
>the  problem and find solutions.  Your  assistance will be greatly

>I am specifically interested in:

>1.       Studies of avian mortality at telecommunications towers.

>2.      The  influence of lights (color, blinking frequency, etc.) on
>mortality and behavior  of migrating birds - especially at towers.

>3.      The  effect of electromagnetic radiation and radio frequencies on
>migrating birds  near towers.

>Needs include: 

>1.       Published and unpublished reports from 1995 to the present - your
>society's journal or other publications within your state!

>2.       Research in progress within your state.

>3.      Names,  phone numbers, email addresses of people currently
>conducting research or in the  process of writing reports on the problem
>within your state.

>4.       Information on state agency research or other initiatives.

>Please contact me if you have information about this  topic. 

>With respect to your society journal or publications, please  ask the
>editor and others whether articles have appeared about any of these
>topics in 1995 through the present.

>Information is needed by January 21, 2000.  If you cannot respond by this
>date,  please inform me when you can respond.

>For information on the Telecommunications Tower Working Group  and
>towerkills in general see www.towerkill.com.

>Thanks -

>Paul Kerlinger, Ph.D.

>Curry & Kerlinger, L.L.C.

